Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What is Alopecia? Plus 6 Treatments for Hair Loss

vitamin deficiency hair loss

Dietary protein must be broken down into free biotin, which is then stored in the small intestine and liver. An adequate intake of biotin for adults is 30 mcg/day in U.S. populations. The average dietary intake of biotin in Western countries is adequate, and biotin deficiency is rare.

Vitamin D and AA

Always consult with a healthcare provider if you're concerned about hair thinning or loss related to medication. They can offer guidance or potential alternatives if the medication's side effects affect your hair. Spironolactone (Aldactone) is sometimes prescribed for people who have thinning hair related to aldosterone production (hyperaldosteronism). While technically a diuretic or “water pill,” that may be prescribed for high blood pressure or edema, Aldactone is an anti-androgen, too. Still, there’s not enough evidence that essential oils can treat baldness or thinning hair. If you do decide to give this treatment a go, make sure that your essential oil is diluted in a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba).

Can Supplements Cause Hair Loss?

There is limited research on selenium deficiency and alopecia in humans. One case report in a child described sparse hair, which improved after dietary supplementation [49]. Zinc is an essential mineral required by hundreds of enzymes and multiple transcription factors that regulate gene expression [26]. While the exact mechanism of action is unclear, one possibility centers on zinc’s role as an essential component of numerous metalloenzymes important in protein synthesis and cell division [27].

Best Multivitamin: Centrum Multivitamin Tablet for Women

In this article, we look at how vitamin D and hair growth are connected, if a deficiency causes hair loss, and if it is reversible. However, not getting enough iron and developing anemia can cause hair loss. Unless you have a deficiency in a certain vitamin, supplementing with vitamins likely won’t do much for hair loss. On the other hand, another study involving 15 patients with AA who took 50 mg zinc gluconate for 12 weeks showed good results in nine of the 15 subjects [128]. Blood clotting is a process that helps prevent excessive bleeding when blood vessels are injured. According to Harvard T.H. Chan vitamin K makes various proteins, such as prothrombin, that are needed for blood clotting or wound healing and to stop bleeding when injuries occur.

vitamin deficiency hair loss

Folic acid supplements

Two excellent review articles have summarized these results and note considerable variations in study design, controls, and ID definitions [16,20]. There are few intervention trials, and they are limited by small numbers, lack of controls in some, and variable ferritin levels. These have utilized different interventions, including iron alone [21], iron with L-lysine [8,22], and iron with spironolactone [23]. There are many causes for thinning hair, including genetics, medical conditions, medications, hormonal changes, and nutritional deficiencies. Understanding these factors is important to getting an effective treatment. Seek medical advice based on your symptoms and causes to address thinning hair effectively and regain hair health.

If you have an underlying medical condition, such as alopecia areata, getting the correct treatments from your doctor may help with hair loss. Corticosteroids are prescription treatments used for conditions linked to underlying inflammation. Sometimes, inflammatory conditions can cause a variety of symptoms, including hair loss. However, you should avoid taking any extra vitamins if you’re already getting the nutrients you need. There isn’t any evidence that doing so will reverse thinning hair, and getting too much of certain nutrients may actually do more harm than good.

Just because you've experienced hair loss doesn't necessarily mean you're low in vitamin D. With that in mind, we spoke with top dermatologists Michele Green, MD, and Scott Paviol, MD, about everything there is to know about vitamin D-related hair loss. However, it’s always helpful to speak with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes and if you’re considering supplementation. Adults with brittle hair or nails might consider trying a supplement that provides about 30 micrograms of biotin per day.

It’s best to see a healthcare professional for any unexplained hair loss so they can determine the underlying cause and best course of treatment. This works well for people with inherited baldness since they typically lose hair on the top of the head. Because some hair loss can be progressive, you may need multiple procedures over time. Typically, the most common types of hair loss are treated with topical or oral medications, which will likely be the first course of treatment. In addition to losing hair on the scalp, some people with alopecia areata lose hair from their eyebrows, eyelashes, or other parts of the body. Finally, keep in mind that the same healthy habits recommended for maintaining your physical health will also help your hair.

vitamin deficiency hair loss

Unfortunately, there aren’t many clear-cut answers when it comes to which vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss. However, this article will cover what we do know about vitamin deficiencies and hair loss, as well as what nutrient intakes can impact your hair. Data correlating TE and AGA with zinc level are not homogenous, and screening for zinc is not recommended. However, comprehensive studies are lacking, which preclude any recommendation for screening of selenium or riboflavin. Several clinical studies have implicated oxidant/antioxidant discrepancy in patients with AA, which is a disease dependent on autoimmunity, genetic predisposition, and emotional and environmental stress. These studies have been reviewed, with most reviewers reporting increased levels of oxidative stress biomarkers and decreased levels of protective antioxidant enzymes in patients with AA [79].

While deficiencies in these vitamins can contribute to hair issues, it's essential to address any deficiencies with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your nutritional status and recommend appropriate supplements or dietary changes to support overall health and potentially improve hair health. And while male or female pattern baldness can be managed with medication or surgery, other causes of hair loss can be prevented, in part, with proper nutrition and maintenance. It’s recommended that you get at least 600 IU (international units) — or 15 micrograms (mcg) — of vitamin D a day starting at the age of 1. For people over the age of 70, the suggested intake jumps to 800 IU (or 20 mcg).

When left untreated, night blindness can progress to xerophthalmia, a condition that can damage your cornea and ultimately lead to blindness (25). That’s because vitamin A is necessary to produce rhodopsin, a pigment found in the retina of each eye that helps you see at night. Also, the prolonged use of antibiotics and some anti-seizure medications is a risk factor (2). By Kelly BurchBurch is a New Hampshire-based freelance health writer with a bachelor's degree in communications from Boston University.

The Connection Between Celiac Disease and Hair Loss - Verywell Health

The Connection Between Celiac Disease and Hair Loss.

Posted: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

That said, before adding any supplements to your routine, Green says you should speak with a doctor first to ensure that you’re taking the right amount and targeting the proper cause. Keratosis pilaris may have a genetic component, meaning that a person is more likely to have it if a family member has it. That said, it has also been observed in people with diets low in vitamins A and C (22). Up to 42% of infants and 50% of adults may experience dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis at one point or another (29, 30). Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity can be serious and include nausea, headaches, skin irritation, joint and bone pain, and in severe cases, even coma or death (28). For instance, low intake of vitamin A is often linked to a condition known as night blindness, which reduces your ability to see in low light or darkness.

In the aforementioned review articles, the researchers present their approach. Both groups test patients with iron studies, including serum ferritin. Both recommend treatment of ID, with or without anemia, with dietary sources and oral iron supplementation when necessary, with a goal of ferritin levels above 50 μg/L [16] or 70 μg/ml, respectively [20]. Although multiple research studies have been conducted, it is unknown if a deficiency of storage iron contributes to hair loss, as conflicting results have been noted. Some studies have found that low serum ferritin is more prevalent in patients with chronic TE, FPHL, AGA, and AA.

It can also have a major impact on your metabolism and overall health. Vitamin D helps with bone and muscle strength, so when you don't have enough, you may feel weak and lack energy. Some research suggests that vitamin D deficiency is linked to fatigue and that taking vitamin D supplements can improve this symptom. Biotin deficiency is rare, as intestinal bacteria are typically able to produce adequate levels of biotin. Deficiency is seen in cases of congenital or acquired biotinidase or carboxylase deficiency, antibiotic use disrupting the gastrointestinal flora, and antiepileptic use. Deficiency can occur from excessive ingestion of raw egg whites due to binding by avidin.

You need zinc to keep your immune system strong and healthy, and it’s also important for hair growth. The RDA recommendation is 10 milligrams, and most of the time you can obtain enough of this nutrient from food. The rda recommendation is 10 milligrams, and most of the time you can obtain enough of this nutrient from food. By contrast, scarring alopecia, another autoimmune disease that causes hair loss, is often accompanied by itchiness, tenderness and scaling of the scalp. Scarring alopecia is the most devastating type of hair loss, Mirmirani says, because it permanently destroys the hair follicles. Your healthcare provider may consider testing if you have symptoms or if your physical examination identifies issues like bruises, wounds, skin discoloration, and neuropathy.

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